Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great Dane at risk in Montreal - 5

Continued from here.

I've been putting up notices about this dog on one of the Great Dane boards I'm on and various people have expressed concern and offered to help. One of those people has pulled through in a big way and has decided to drive to Montreal to rescue the dog and foster it. She contacted Johanne Tasse who contacted me this morning and told me the fantastic news.

Tomorrow, the Great Dane, will be receiving his getting-out-of-the-pound bath and then will be driven west a few hundred kilometers to his new home in Oshawa. He leaves behind several other dogs with very uncertain futures but, still, I can't help but be glad at least this one life is saved. Johanne said even the pound owners are enthusiastically happy the Dane has found a safe harbour.

The sudden generosity of people sometimes surprises me. It's like a gift that falls out of the sky.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! As the Talmuds says, 'when you save a life, you save a whole world'!

One world, saved. More to go, yes, but step-by-step we can save many.

Lynda said...

That's great news!
